I adore New York. I do. So very much.
When I ran into my good friend Toji in Provincetown over the 4th of July, we made celebratory plans for my birthday in the city. And what a weekend it's turned out to be!
Last night I had a date in Times Square at 10 pm. This was no ordinary date - it was a best friend date that was almost a year overdue! I ran into Snookie Sarah Hurdelbrink and though it had been months, it felt as if it had only been a few days since we saw each other. Sort of like seeing someone every day at work, and then coming back after a long weekend.
It was so good to see her! She is doing incredible things with her life - including moving to New York to work for Teach For America in Brooklyn. She is quite the young lady and I am thrilled for her and her life here.
We went to a local pizza place. You knew it was authentic because of the gruff tone of the waitress (assuming she's probably the owner, too). The pizza was incredible, as expected, but the night was still young (come on! Midnight is early in NYC!). We strolled down 8th Ave to my favorite margarita bar, Arriba Arriba.
"You want the Big Momma or the Hey Daddy size?" The burly, straight-to-the-point bartender shouted across the loud room. Assuming momma was smaller than daddy, I went for the momma. No need for a Cadillac tonight, right? Wrong. My fault for assuming. Our Big Momma margaritas were 36 ounces of frigid bliss.
Two more hours passed by in an instant. We laughed so hard we cried. I almost peed my pants once. That's how you know the friendship runs deep with me. Make me laugh so hard I might pee my pants.
This morning, the sun woke me up around 7:45 am. I swear I thought it was after 10 or 11... But it wasn't even 8.
I rallied, met some friends for coffee and hit the gym. I used an awesome new app (saving it for my next post because I'm so excited) and figured out that I subsequently walked more than 13 miles!
I saw all of my favorite neighborhoods and explored uncharted territory. I haggled in Chinatown, ate lunch in the West Village, window shopped along 5th Ave. I had a latté in a quaint little café in NoHo after spending some quality time in Muji and Uniqlo - my two most favorite Japanese stores - in SoHo. I spent too much in the Apple store on things I shouldn't have to replace.
I saw Central Park, people watched at Shake Shack and enjoyed the gorgeous day outdoors.
Originally, I was going to spend the day at the spa. Instead, I gave myself a gift of excursion and discovery. I saved more than I would have spent, and didn't have to go to Queens.
Now I await Toji ... And we will make a decision on dinner to celebrate my birthday. I'm pumped...I love celebrating any of life's accomplishments. And to me, knowing I've made it to 26, it's definitely worth celebrating!