Have you ever felt an instant connection? With another person, a song - something? Not just a connection; lightning. A joy and excitement that was so robust, you could hardly contain yourself?
Recently, I found myself in a torrent of whirlwinds of emotion - full of love, anger, disappointment, excitement and anxiety. The irony is that we as humans despise the feeling of vulnerability. Putting ourselves out there with a hope that maybe...just maybe... this time it could be right.
Regardless of the outcome, I find that each time I have an experience in my life that pulls in the deepest emotions that I see on rare occasion, I find a song that touches me. It doesn't happen on purpose and I don't search for it. Its a song which makes me think about life. Again - not necessarily for my health - this song drums up some of the deepest seeded emotions I've felt in some time. What a song.
(note: these songs are added to playlists that I create each year entitled 'soundtrack to my life, vol. x)
In life, some of the hardest lessons are learned at the disappointment (and often times neglect or maltreatment) of those who mean the most to us. What do we say when "I'm sorry" just isn't adequate? To stand on the edge of something incredible, only to have it swept out from under us.. and the part that destroys me is the lack of option for recourse or recompense. I hate knowing that my regret and change of course will never be enough. But I am sorry.
Lady Gaga, who I'm guessing none of you have ever heard of, is someone who works magic with words. I ran across this video at random, but found it to be one of the most beautiful, thought provoking and emotionally moving songs that my ears have ever had the pleasure of purveying.
I'll let you be the judge. It's been a while since a song has moved me to tears - but Gaga, I've gotta hand it to you. Rock on.
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