There is nothing more beautiful than an autumn morning, with the sun peaking through the gold-turning trees and the sight of your breath in front of your face. The end of the summer comes, and with it, the end of an era.
This week I embark on a new adventure; a new career, a new set of principles and a new sense of accountability and responsibility professionally and personally. Today I set out with higher standards for myself. I set out with higher expectations, performance requirements and even expectations of the people around me.
I'm looking forward to the fall. And the winter. I'm ready for it. It's the season of change, and change is upon us! Go forward and grab life by those invisible horns. For you - and only you - have the ability to choose to make today better than yesterday. Strive harder, reach farther and run faster; only you can be the force for good in your life that guarantees that life, every day, will get better.
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