Thursday, February 26, 2009

the new man in the ring

We've all heard "life is short,", who cares? We all grow, we all develop, we mature, and we die. The end. I mean really, we're all going to be dead at some point.

But the difference lies in the journey. The path we take. The road we drive. The adventure we create for ourselves.

My adventure is this: Moving 1,500 miles away from everything I know and love, creating a new life for myself, establishing a group of people that can understand and relate to me (as well as I, them), and finding for myself what in life is worth pursuing.

February 16th, 2009 - the exact halfway point in my 23rd year of life. That is the day of personal revolution, evolution, and reinvestment. The point at which I decided I'd pursue positive, constructive things in my life, and leave behind for good those tendencies which bring me down.

So, with no further adieu, I present the new me. The yankee, the chowda head, the Bostonian. The east-coaster, the midwestern boy turned city boy - far from the farm, yet with its principles and dignities still entrenched upon my heart. The transplant new guy in the city; the unknown amongst the known.

This is where I'm expecting to jot my thoughts, hold myself accountable, and establish goals for myself. Feel free to give me your two cents :)